Happy New Year! 2020 has launched, and like every year I have goals and aspirations for the year ahead. I reflect back on 2019, and although I did many things I set out to do, I had some fails and I learned a lot about myself. My husband says I am a creature of habit - once I start a ritual, I stick with it faithfully. I tried to do this last year with my Daily Dose of Art challenge - to sketch, paint or doodle 5 to 7 days a week. I shared some of these artworks on Instagram. I started out with a passion keeping to my goal well into Spring. I faltered during the Summer months when I felt the need to unwind and play a little. Then Fall arrived and I was back into it - and the approach of the holidays set me back once again. After I completed all my work for the holiday shows, I was shopping and entertaining and off my goal completely. I learned I shouldn't beat myself up. What I did produce, I'm pretty proud of. When you view all the pieces together, it's a decent body of work. And along the way I painted new subject matter, tried new techniques and enjoyed the process. This year I will continue with my Daily Dose of Art, and I plan to sketch for the Brooklyn Art Library Sketch Book Project (check it out at https://www.brooklynartlibrary.com/sketchbookproject ). I'm working on my 2020 goals and I'm curious to see how this year unfolds. Art is always a journey, making turns and changing direction. Let's enjoy the ride!
First large painting of 2020 - Awakening, 48 x 48 Acrylic on Canvas